Are you looking for a job? Have you sent hundreds of resumes and don’t get good results? We know, going out in search of a new job can often be exhausting.

Delivering dozens of resumes to receive just a couple of calls, attend interviews and not have a callback or get a hateful and indolent: “we have no vacancy” for a receptionist can be truly frustrating.

Therefore, it is important that before going on the hunt for a new job, you prepare very well and, above all, learn to take advantage of any opportunity to sell yourself in the labor market and find a job successfully.

There is a lot of material on the Internet and even books are written by experts in the area that offer you a lot of advice on how to look for work and emerge victoriously, but we know that you do not have time to read so much material and that your priority is to leave as quickly Possible to find a good job.

For that reason, we have taken the time to gather the best 10 tips to find work that we are sure will be very useful


1. Focus on a goal


The first thing you should do to start looking for work is to have a goal and focus on it. We know that for many people the fact of not having a job can cause them stress and despair, but you need to keep calm. Instead of starting to apply for hundreds of job offers, be very clear about your goal.

And how to do it? It’s very simple: think of a job that makes you excited, that corresponds to your academic profile or that requires skills for which you are very good.

With this in mind, you can start looking for a job and make a list of those companies for which you would like to work. Contact them through social networks or Internet portals and request your vacancy list.

Applying for those job offers that match your profile will make your search much easier.


2. Network


Meeting people is a great way to get a job, but this does not mean that you should hand out cards with your random data. You have to focus on those people with whom you can build a relationship: think of people you can help and who can also have a chance for you.

Networking is exchanging knowledge, helping each other, making collaborations – not simply handing over a card or adding as friends in a social network.

Be interested in meeting people who work in your area and who can recommend you in the company for which they work, for example. Who least expects it could give you the opportunity of your life!


3. Use social networks


Social networks are also very useful for finding employment. Every day, hundreds of recruiters go to social networks to find professionals and fill their vacancies. Therefore, it is important that you create a profile on social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.

Be sure to place a profile picture where you demonstrate professionalism, highlight your skills, indicate your level of training and previous experience.

4. Use job search sites


On the Internet, you can find hundreds of pages to find work that can help you discover vacancies according to your professional profile, location and even according to the positions you would like to fill. hiremenevada is the best option.


5. Have a good resume


A good resume is your best cover letter when it comes to getting a good job. Many times, some professionals who have all the skills to fill certain vacancies are ruled out because of a bad curriculum.

It is necessary that your curriculum be able to show the company that you are the ideal candidate to meet your needs, highlight your strengths and that once the recruiter is read, think: “This is the person I am looking for.”

  • Include only the data that is really relevant.
  • Select the most important information and highlight them.
  • Do not forget to put your contact information, such as email and telephone.
  • Take care of the formatting of your curriculum and leave it organized.
  • Make a grammar and spelling check.


6. Always look for more knowledge


Being in search of employment does not mean that you have to put aside your professional training. Quite the opposite! It is important that you take advantage of your availability to prepare yourself and obtain more knowledge that will make you stand out in the labor market.

Sign up for face-to-face or online training or courses to keep your knowledge updated. You can also sign up for events that not only allow you to learn much more but also allow you to meet new people and build quality networking.


7. Do volunteer work


Joining a volunteer is a great way to meet new people, stay active and find a good job. They say that opportunities exist, only that we should go out and look for them.

Dare to leave your comfort zone and join these types of initiatives!


8. Develop your personal brand


Building your personal brand is a trend that gives you great value as a professional. When you develop your personal brand you manage to position yourself as an expert in a niche market and you have the opportunity to send a unique message and differentiate yourself from the rest of the candidates.


9. Prepare well for interviews


A job interview is your best opportunity to convince an employer to hire you, so it is important that you prepare very well and avoid improvising.

To begin, we will give you some general tips that could help you …




  • Take the time to research a little about the culture of the company and its dress code. With this information, you will know how formal or informal you should go to the appointment.
  • Wear clothes with which you feel comfortable and convey your personality.


Things you should not say:

Here are some phrases that could ruin your job interview. Do not say them!

  • Avoid saying negative comments about other people or companies. Don’t be disloyal, don’t criticize other colleagues.
  • Do not tell lies. We know you probably want to impress your interviewer, but that doesn’t mean you have to tell lies. Be honest, we assure you that this will be well appreciated.
  • Avoid showing yourself egocentric.
  • “I do not have any question”. Saying you have no questions shows disinterest. Take advantage of your interview to clear your doubts.
  • Do not ask about your remuneration and vacation in the first interview, do not assume that they will hire you.


Some tricks to highlight:


  • Do some research about the company before going to your interview.
  • Rate yourself and learn to promote yourself, highlight your strengths, knowledge, and skills.
  • Be positive, smile and show enthusiasm for being part of the company.
  • Take care of your verbal language, avoid making sudden or nervous movements.


10. Trust yourself


Nothing more attractive to a recruiter than a professional who trusts himself and his abilities. Therefore, another valuable advice that is very useful when going out to look for a job is to work in your confidence and, for this, you can rely on blogs or books on self-confidence, videos on YouTube about coaching or motivational talks.

If you feel that trust is your weak point, you can hire a coach to guide and advise you in a personalized way.